Drill to Detail Ep. 103 'Reverse ETL, Profiles Sync and Segment Unify' with Special Guest Kevin Niparko

Mark Rittman is joined by Twilio Segment Head of Product Kevin Niparko to talk about trends in the customer data platform market, Reverse ETL and Profiles Sync, the impact of LLMs (Large Language Models) on digital customer experience and Segment Unify, a consumer scale real-time identity resolution solution that provides complete, real-time, portable customer profiles.

Mark Rittman

CEO of Rittman Analytics, host of the Drill to Detail Podcast, ex-product manager and twice company founder.


Drill to Detail Ep.104 ‘Delta Lakes, Tiger Temples and the Databricks Lakehouse Platform’ with Special Guests Jason Pohl and Stewart Bryson


Drill to Detail Ep.102 'LLMs, Semantic Models and Bringing AI to the Modern Data Stack' with Special Guest David Jayatillake