Drill to Detail Ep.77 ' Keboola, Scaling Analytics and Winning the Looker Join Hackathon' with Special Guest Pavel Dolezal

We return with a new episode featuring Keboola CEO Pavel Dolezal on scaling analytics adoption beyond technical developers, the original story behind Keboola and how their team and friends won the recent Looker Join 2019 Hackathon event in San Francisco.

Drill to Detail Ep.77 ' Keboola, Scaling Analytics and the Looker Hackathon' with Pavel Dolezal
Mark Rittman
Mark Rittman

CEO of Rittman Analytics, host of the Drill to Detail Podcast, ex-product manager and twice company founder.


Drill to Detail Ep.78 ‘Coronavirus, Shutdowns and the Data Analytics Industry’ with Special Guest Seth Rosen


Drill to Detail Ep.76 'Segment, Ecosystems and Customer Data Platforms' with Special Guest Calvin French-Owen