Rittman Analytics

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Presenting Second in the Gluent New World Webinar Series, on SQL-on-Hadoop Concepts and…

I’m very pleased to be delivering the second in the Gluent New World webinar series, a program of webinars organised by Oracle ACE Director and Gluent CEO Tanel Poder. Tanel opened the series with a talk about in-memory processing for databases, and I’ll be continuing the series with a session on the rationale and core technical concepts behind my current area of focus — SQL-on-Hadoop.

I was initially sceptical when I heard about Apache Hive and vendor-specific implementations but set-based processing, aggregation and querying is a core requirement for virtually every data processing platform — and over the years the core Hive and HCatalog foundation has evolved into technologies such as Spark SQL for large-scale processing, Cloudera Impala and Apache Drill for more interactive workloads, and specialised storage layers and file formats to support the different types of SQL workloads.

I’ll also take a look at what new technologies and capabilities are “coming around the corner”, and preview some of the ideas and demos I’ll be showing a the upcoming Enkitec E4 Conference in Barcelona later this month where I’ll be speaking on the same topic. Registration is free and you can sign up here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/524034212628017924

Update : The slides from the event are below: